
Showing posts from January, 2018
from we left off we have then started a new idea for our campaign this will then mean starting over the plan and also storyboard we did not yet to complete

Task 2

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task 1b

digital publishing

digital publishing  digital publish is  the use of written work being produce digitally also publicly and it could also access through electronic devices, its a way of publishing your work via the internet  or with anything that is sen to be electrical such as a blog it is seen to be better as you can access it through many devices and it is publish publicly for everyone to see thats why this is also called a digital publishing  examples of digital publishing    Newsletters Journals and blogs Advertisements Company Reports Catalogs Books, magazines, and other periodicals, Massive libraries, resource materials, and databases; Scrap books    within this digital media products i will be looking at  digital publishing magazines so i will be analysing different types and from there i will then decide which one i will be approaching  

personal management skills 2

in this lesson we have mad a start on our story board however it is yet incomplete and due to complete it in the next lesson  we also made a final decision on whos in charge of what as we then discussed it with our team mate  So far we have gotten the organising what part sorted so now we need to work on finishing our work - completing the story board  - this is the plan that we have started and finished this then explains our story line on how the story builds up . - for next lesson we are also planning on completing the story board 

Unit 3 Personal Management Skills

  In this lesson me and my group member have been discussing our plan and story board for our campaign video. We talked about are how we was going to start by discussing the overall issue and we then came up with an idea by looking up a video. . From there we made a plan showing how the story is going to plan out so from how we are  going to start our campaign and how we would finish the story by the end of the lesson we had done that  However from the next lesson we would needed to start our storyboard with also use of camera shots that we will be using and discussing whos doing what role as a group