TV Drama:Boats motel


                                               TV drama :boats motel - mystery

introduction:  the bates motel is about a woman who then owns a motel with her son and she is reunited with her other son later she then notices that her son has some kind of problem and her other son( dylan) then starts to address the problem to Norma (the mother ) .The scenery and the location of it is at the end of the town and the main place will be at the motel and also the house- the house because that's  when the first killing happens and it then focuses on the house for a bit but then switches over when they then move the body over to the motel then the motel then became the second focus and that then represents the boats motel. this tv drama is believed to be a true story therefore the purpose of this series other than entertainment it could also be seen as an awareness due to the fact the int the series the mother ignored the sons blackouts and at the end,ends up killing his own mother

key techniques:
this tv series has lots of follow up which then helps conveys the moral of the story .the series is directly viewed  for audience that is 16 +its originally based on  the 1960 film psycho which was then later developed and produced it to platforms: Netflix ,websites and also as a book.however the ending did leave of with a cliffhanger and the effects of that is then to leave the audience in suspense and more intrigued.The TV drama has parallel multi-strand,it has the main story of norman and norma (the mother and the son) then it goes into norma and her brother ,norma and her other son then her other son and his dad which ends up as normas brother.


  1. A decent start Kadydja but you have not completed this analysis. You need to address all the bullet points as per the assignment brief. You also need to proof read. Vanessa


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